Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2019”

Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2019”

Authors: Nevenka Čučković  and Valentina Vučković Editor: Imogen Gladman  Publisher: Routledge, London Year: 2019 The chapter on Croatian economy in the Yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2019” brings an analysis of the most important economic indicators for...
Olivaint’s students visiting IRMO

Olivaint’s students visiting IRMO

About Croatian foreign policy, relations with neighbourly countries, dynamics in Southeast Europe, migration and European Union Senada Šelo Šabić, senior research associate, spoke with students of the Olivaint Conference of Belgium, a well-known private organization....
The project’s final conference was held in Zagreb

The project’s final conference was held in Zagreb

Zagreb: Hotel Panorama 8.6.2018 The final conference “Professional training in sustainable forest management in Austria, Slovenia and Croatia: Experiences, lessons learnt and looking ahead” of the CIA2SFM project was held in Zagreb on 8/6/2018. Croatian Forest...
Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2020”

Chapter in yearbook “Central and South-Eastern Europe 2020”

Authors: Nevenka Čučković  and Valentina Vučković Publisher: Routledge, London Year: 2018 The text presents an analysis of the most important economic indicators for the Croatian economy in 2016 and an assessment of economic outlook for 2017 and 2018. The text brings...
IRMO researcher participated in symposium in Beijing, China

IRMO researcher participated in symposium in Beijing, China

Research assistant Anastasya Raditya Ležaić participated in “16+1 Initiative to Promote Belt and Road Initiative” symposium in Beijing, June 26th to 30th 2017. The symposium was organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences together with 16+1 Think-tanks...
IRMO representative on training of LADDER project

IRMO representative on training of LADDER project

On 22nd – 24th July 2015, the second training of LADDER project on DEAR (Development Education & Awareness Raising) took place in Zagreb, Croatia. Presentation by Krešimir Jurlin, PhD on experiences of IRMO about the participative strategic planning and decision...
Energy Entrepreneurship in Croatia

Energy Entrepreneurship in Croatia

Author: Ana-Maria Boromisa Publisher: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, IRMO Year: 2013. DOWNLOADS This publication is available only in Croatian. This publication: Energy Entrepreneurship in...
Presentation of the Study “Energy Entrepreneurship in Croatia”

Presentation of the Study “Energy Entrepreneurship in Croatia”

Palace Hotel, Zagre Tuesday, November 19, 2013. In collaboration with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Croatia, the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) presented the study entitled “Energy Entrepreneurship in Croatia” on Tuesday, November 19,...
Enhancement of Business Infrastructure- City of Sisak

Enhancement of Business Infrastructure- City of Sisak

Project duration: 5/2012 – 8/2012 Client: SISAK PROJEKTI Ltd., City of Sisak Team leader:  Ana-Maria Boromisa, PhD As part of the project Enhancement of Business Infrastructure of the City of Sisak necessity of integral approach in business infrastructure development...
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