naslovnica publikacije ilustracija

Author: Paško Bilić

Publisher: Jesenski i Turk

Year: 2020

Pages: 208

ISBN 978-953-222-842-7

Sociology of Media: Routines, Technology and Power is a meta-sociological analysis of the connection between sociological and media theory. The systematic analysis of social and media theory aims to answer two basic epistemological and ontological questions: how do communication and media create knowledge about society? What types of social relations are implicitly and explicitly present in sociological and media theories? To better determine the role of communication in society, and to direct attention to social aspects shaping communication, the categories of routines, technologies and power receive special attention. Routines imply all forms of interpersonal and mediated communication shaped in social groups that become repetitive, entrenched and objectified. Technologies imply all technical and infrastructural determinants of the media such as communication channels, software systems, expert systems, algorithms and codes that direct or change communication. Power implies the capability of shaping or changing communication. It involves changing social relations and social structures through status, political, economic and other means. The book will be of special use to sociologists who are interested in exploring the media, as well as media and communications researchers interested in the sociological roots of this interdisciplinary field.

This publication is available only in Croatian.

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