European Documentation Centre – EDC

European Documentation Centre - EDC

European Documentation Center – EDC is part of the Europe Direct Information Network established by the European Commission to ensure that information about the work and policies of the European Union is available to all its citizens.This European Documentation Centre hosted by the Institute for Development and International Relations from 1991. Since its establishment in 1991, EDC receives a range of official publications and documents published by EUR-OP, the Publications Office of the European Union based in Luxembourg.

The main aims of the EU i Documentation Centre are to:

  • help institutes and universities promote and consolidate teaching and research in the field of EU policies;
  • make information on the European Union and its policies available to the public, both university-based and other;
  • participate in the debate on the European Union and encourage research institutes and universities to take research an active role in that debate.

EDC – IRMO Collection

  • Treaty establishing the European Community / Union
  • Official Journal of the European Union, L and C series (Offical Journal of the European Union), preparatory acts of the institutions participating in the decision-making process (European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Ministers, Economic and Social Committee and Committee of the Regions…)
  • ECJ case law
  • parliamentary issues and debates
  • a series of monographic, serial and periodical publications by all institutions, agencies and bodies from different fields of activity
  • annual and monthly surveys published by the Statistical Office of EUROSTAT

The EDC-IRMO provides a range of services to its users:

  • access to publications and documents at the EDC-IRMO premises,
  • free access to the EUR-Lex database,
  • access to other off-line and on-line official EU databases (legislative and non-legislative),
  • search and retrieval of specific information or documents of interest,
  • guidance and help with search strategies and use of EC documentation,
  • compilation of lists of reference material or lists of other information sources available on-line related to the specific field of interest,
  • compilation of information dossiers upon user’s request,
  • daily follow-up of new developments and news alert in specific areas of interest,
  • assistance in acquiring publicly non-available documents from the EU institutions.

We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Center services are free of charge.

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