Accountancy and Finance Department

Accountancy and Finance Department

Accountancy and Finance Department performs the overall financial operations of IRMO and prepares financial reports in accordance with applicable regulations and business needs of the Institute; prepares accounting records and records of salaries, sick leaves, honorariums and all other payments; performs payments of all obligations to the state and other creditors; keeps records of customers and suppliers, cash register (in kunas and other currencies); keeps a book of revenues and expenditures classified by projects and types; prepares financial plans, including investment, maintenance and procurement plans, and performs operational preparation of the financial part of the projects’ work plans. Furthermore, the Accounting Office provides necessary data for the assessment and evaluation of performance.

Milva Pavičin Karamatić, dipl.oec., Head of Accountancy and Finance Department

Zvijezdana Samardžić, Head of Accounting
Marijana Brekalo, Accounting
Nada Piljevic, Accounting

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