The first workshop of the ˝Networks of public communication in Croatia: mediatisation of the public sphere and the challenges of new media˝ (NETCOMM) project was held on 11 December 2014 in the library of the Institute for Development and International Relations. Since 1 September 2014 the project is based at the Department for Culture and Communication of the Institute under the principal investigator Nada Švob-Đokić, PhD. The three-year project is financed by the Croatian science foundation (HRZZ) (nr. 4014). The first theoretical report of the project was presented at the workshop. PaškoBilić, Nada Švob-Đokić and Ivan Balabanić analyze the theoretical foundation and background of key terms which will be used in research activities. Paško Bilić presented the key terms including mediatisation, public sphere, media organizations, media production and media audiences. The purpose of the report was to put forward a number of working definitions which will be used in interpreting and focusing on specific issues during the empirical part of the study. A short analysis of media policy and basic structural data on internet use in Croatia was also presented. The main discussant was Professor SlavkoSplichal from the University of Ljubljana. Professor Splichal emphasized the need to analyze mediatization and internetization as parallel processes and argued for a stronger focus on changes in communicative practices in civil society and everyday life of citizens. After the discussant a debate about key dimensions of the project and its future activities was held.


Program (Croatian)

Theoretical report (Croatian)

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