
Author: Paško Bilić

Journal: The Political Economy of Communication

Publisher:  International Association of Media Communication Research (IAMCR)

ISSN 2357-1705

Paško Bilić, PhD, published an article in the international journal The Political Economy of Communication, edited by members of the political economy section of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). The article is titled The Refugee Crisis in the Croatian Digital News: Towards a Computational Political Economy of Communication. It is published in co-authorship with Dr Ivo Furman and Dr Savaş Yildirim from the Istanbul Bilgi University. With the aid of computational methods, the authors observe how media ownership and political leaning of selected media affected their reports about the refugee crisis. Based on the empirical analysis, the authors claim that there was an emphasized element of moral panic within a certain segment of the analyzed media. There is also a visible shift in reporting from a humanitarian reaction towards a security rhetoric in managing the refugee crisis.


The article is available in open access here: http://www.polecom.org/index.php/polecom/article/view/91

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