Ana-Maria Boromisa participated in the Second Regional Power Exchange “Green Agenda: Decarbonization of the Electricity Sector in the Western Balkans“, Montenegro, 28-30/31 October 2024. She presented results of the „Labour market effects analysis: data analysis interpretation, visualisations and recommendations“. The presentation was organised as part of the side event EduEnergy 2.0: Towards Shaping the Future of Renewable Energy Transition in the Western Balkans. The results of the labour market effect analysis show that the potential for job creation in renewable sector exceeds potential job loss in coal sector in Wester Balkans. However, transition might entail significant technical, political, financial and social challenges, thus the sequencing of reforms and creation of enabling conditions is of utmost importance. Technical barriers relate mainly to grid infrastructure, energy storage and integration complexity, while financial barriers are high initial costs and current market structure. Regulatory and policy barriers are inconsistent policies, permitting and land use regulations. Social barriers relate to skills gap, public opposition and lack of awareness. The study also formulates policy recommendations to address these challenges.
Based on the results, following recommendations for policy makers are formulated:
- Formally adopt climate neutrality goals and develop action plans for the phase-out of fossil TPPs
- Improve the regulatory framework that enables the decarbonisation of energy systems
- Improve the business environment and investment climate
- Develop financial instruments for restructuring (including social protection of workers)
- Encourage inclusion in the formal labour market
- Continue to develop general public awareness about the need to limit emissions and decarbonise power sector
- Anticipate skills needs in the public sector and enable competence reinforcement
The presentation is available here.