Two-year Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project ‘European Union Policies and the Platformisation of the Cultural and Audio-visual Sectors – platEU (2020-2022) coordinated by the Department for Culture and Communication at IRMO has come to its close. The main aim of the project was to promote discussion and reflection on the EU policies related to online platforms affecting cultural and audio-visual sectors in Europe. The project served as an interdisciplinary platform that contributed to enhancing knowledge and opening up discussions on the EU policy processes related to platformisation of cultural and audio-visual sectors among different stakeholders and it created synergies between the national and EU stakeholders in the domain of culture and audio-visual sector. All the planned project activities have been realized and the additional activities and cooperation have been achieved – seven different events were organized (round tables, lectures, and a postgraduate course), six platEU reflections and platEU library have been published and the Special Issue of the ‘Media Studies’ journal has been prepared. We would like to thank all of our collaborators and project partners for their work as without them the successful finalization of the platEU project could not be achieved.
More information on the final results of the project are available at the project’s website: