Title of article: Ex-Ante Evaluation of Heritage Management Plans: Prerequisite for Achieving Sustainability
Journal: Annales – Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, Series Historia et Sociologia, Vol. 30, 2020, No. 2
Publisher: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko – Koper / Società storica del Litorale – Capodistria©
Year: 2020
ISSN 1408-5348
e-ISSN 2591-1775
The article presents the importance of cultural heritage management plans and the importance of their evaluation and monitoring. The types of evaluation of plans and programmes include ex-ante evaluation, mid-term evaluation and ex-post evaluation. The authors researched the appropriateness of the ex-ante evaluation of the Integrated Heritage Revitalization Plan (IBHRP) of the old urban centre of Buzet, Croatia. A specifically developed set of questions evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, coherence, sustainability, usefulness, consistency, complementarity, compliance, eligibility and ensuring equal opportunities for the Integrated Heritage Revitalisation Plan and the achievement of the local community sustainable development. The proposed methodology is scientifically approved in the paper and a specific contribution was made by ensuring the sustainability and quality of heritage management in local communities.