Emina Bužinkić, PhD, participated in the 7th International Conference “Social Boundaries of Work: Critical Labour Studies in the Times of a Polycrisis”, and the seminar “Contemporary Faces of Trade Unions” held from October 15 to 18 in Wrocław, Poland. The conference was organized by the Department of the Sociology of Work and Economic Sociology at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Wrocław, the Sociology of Work Section of the Polish Sociological Association, the Wrocław branch of the Polish Sociological Association, the Critical Labour Studies Network, and Research Committee 44 “Labour Movements.” The event brought together over 200 researchers, trade union representatives, and migrant workers from across Europe to analyze the relationship between academia and the world of work within the context of overlapping and mutually reinforcing socio-economic crises. Ahead of the conference, a seminar titled “Contemporary Faces of Trade Unions” was held, showcasing the history of trade union organizing in Europe and South Africa.

During the conference session “Essentiality, Inequality, and Livelihoods,” seven research projects developed through the ENDURE project were presented. One of the featured projects was the research by Emina Bužinkić, PhD, and Nina Čolović, a PhD candidate at the University of Zagreb, focusing on the precarity of teachers in Croatian primary and secondary schools through an analysis of essential labor and the social reproduction during the COVID-19 pandemic. The presented research will be published in a book “Essentiality, Inequality, and Livelihoods” next year. Project ENDURE is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation.

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