The final workshop of the project Horizon Europe „ESI Europe 2.0” was organized by the Society for Sustainable Development Design (DOOR) and held on December 6, 2024. Research assistant at the Department for International Economic and Political Relations Leona Knežević Mužić presented the results of the analysis of the GoSafe with ESI model.
The extensive analysis, led by the Head of the Department Ana-Maria Boromisa, PhD, found potentials and obstacles to increasing energy efficiency by using the GoSafe with ESI model in the Republic of Croatia. The analysis also showed the scope of information about the model, the opinions and attitudes of stakeholders about the model, and their willingness to engage with the model. The recommendations for the potential and successful implementation of the GoSafe with ESI model in Croatia were also created.
The workshop program also included presentations by DOOR’s senior expert Sandra Slivar Rebernišak, Marko Mećar from the Posavec, Vlašić & Mećar Law Office, and by the representative of Schneider Electric Croatia.