20-22 November 2019, University of Zagreb, Zvonimirova 8, Zagreb
Working language: English
2 moderators, 20 participants
IRMO is organizing a 3-days workshop (Zagreb 20-22 November 2019.) for museum and other heritage professionals in Croatia titled ‘Building Digital Skills and Literacies for Museums and Digital Archives’ with the aim to promote knowledge transfer concerning the issues of digital skills necessary for developing quality digital cultural content and services. The workshop is planned in cooperation with the UK partner – Culture24 – that has extensive previous experience in successfully developing digital skills among UK heritage institutions. Croatia is lagging in its digitization of heritage efforts and the planed workshop is very much needed, as it is necessary that Croatian cultural institutions develop their digital skills, confidence and literacy in order to begin to exploit digital opportunities and to develop stronger cooperation on European level. The workshop represents a first step in ensuring further collaboration with partners having expertise in developing digital culture that would provide for enhancing digital skills among cultural heritage professionals in Croatia in the future. The programme is available here.
The workshop has received a financing support from the Croatian Ministry of Culture, the British Embassy Zagreb and British Council Croatia and a logistical support from University of Zagreb, DARIAH.HR, ICARUS.HR and Museum Documentation Centre.