The Report on Prospects for offshore wind development in Central Europe was published ahead of the Central European Day of Energy (CEDE) that was held on 2 December 2020. The Central European Day of Energy (CEDE) is an annual event organized by the Central Europe Energy Partners (CEEP) from Brussels in cooperation with the DG Energy of the European Commission.
The third and fourth edition of the CEEP reports touches on an important topic: prospects for offshore wind development in Central Europe. Wind energy has become a major driver for RES deployment in Europe and seems fundamental to reaching Europe’s climate and energy targets in an effective way. In the 2050 Long Term Strategy, the Commission has identified wind energy as the dominant power generation technology by 2050, with projections of up to 450 GW of installed offshore wind capacity in Europe.
The Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) participated in the preparation of this report in cooperation with other partners including CEEP, association WindEurope from Brussels, the Lithuanian group of energy transmission companies EPSO-G, the Polish Wind Energy Association, the Polish Institute of Energy Policy, the Romanian think-tank Energy Policy Group and the Jagiellonian Institute from Kraków, Poland