Emina Bužinkić, PhD from IRMO presented a research paper titled “Tracing A Migrant Subject: Race, Ethnicity, Border,” which discusses the roots of racialized violence against Muslims and migrants through methods of critical discourse analysis and political ethnography in the context of the prolonged refugee crisis discourse and the recent Covid-19 pandemic. This context calls for a closer examination of the politics and methodologies of social distancing toward certain populations. The research was presented as part of the panel “Experiences and Impact of Racism and Whiteness,” which focused on the stigmatization of specific migrant groups as threatening and potentially harmful. By examining the case of the Covid-19 pandemic in different countries, all the presented researchers illustrated the discrimination of migrant groups stemming from the historical and colonial construction of race and Otherness. The conference, currently underway under the title “Migration as a social construction: a reflexive turn”, is being held in Lisbon and online from July 2 to July 5 and is organized by the IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network).