Publisher: Jesenski and Turk’ publishing house
Year: 2023
ISBN 9978-953-381-011-9
The book, in addition to the introductory one, contains five main chapters with subchapters. In the Introduction, the goal and purpose of the book, potential users and its structure are presented. The first chapter is entitled Food in the experience economy and explains the basic principles of experience design, thus providing a scientific basis for further elaboration on the topic. In the second chapter entitled Brain-food connection, all five senses and their functioning through the connection with the brain are described. Creating a gastronomic experience is the title of the third chapter, which provides concrete instructions for experience design through individual sensations, and through multisensory stimuli. The fourth chapter entitled Food and identity emphasizes their strong connection, which is elaborated through the following sub-themes: Food as a brand, Gastrodiplomacy, and Food and tourism. The last, fifth chapter, is devoted to the topic of Food and art, and presents the topic in a two-fold way: Food in art, and Food as a work of art.
From the very moment of taking the book in hand, it is visible that the book itself is conceived as an experience product that is expressed through the multi-sensory design of the book, which was conceived by the MinusMinus Agency. The sense of sight is dominant when consuming such a book, which is richly illustrated with photographs. In addition to sight, which is manifested through the text or visual illustrations, the design of the book also includes other senses. Starting from the cover itself, which engages the reader with the sense of touch through the tactile design and the symbolic association of walnuts as a food good for the brain, to the use of smells and tastes in the attached recipes, music and videos through QR codes, which enable the download of background music, and video works that convey a message and potentially create an experience.
The book was primarily written to help those who work in the hospitality and catering sector, culture and tourism, but also for artists and foodies. It will be of use to students of cultural, artistic and tourism fields, marketing, and through some topics also to students of psychology, ethnology, political science and art fields. Finally, it is also applicable in everyday life and suitable for anyone who wants a more beautiful and pleasant life.
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