Editor: Ana-Maria Boromisa
The reviewers: Mladen Andrlić PhD , Dubravko Žirovčić PhD, Marjan Svetličič prof. PhD emeritus, Ljubinko Dedović prof. PhD and Matevž Rašković, PhD
Publisher: Alinea, Zagreb
Year: 2017.
The book Economic Diplomacy: Between the Needs of Economy and Interest of States: Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro – Energy, Climate, Investments, Tourism (Croatian) brings an overview of the development, accomplishments, and challenges of economic and commercial diplomacy in Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro. The book is the result of a research carried out within the bilateral scientific project Croatia – Slovenia Supporting Economic Recovery through Economic Diplomacy of Croatia and Slovenia in Third Countries, bilateral scientific project Croatia – Montenegro Strengthening the Competitiveness of Croatia and Montenegro through the Internalization of Business – the Role of Economic Diplomacy, and the project of Croatian Science Foundation IP-2013-11-2203 Economic and Social Effects of Energy Sector Reforms on Sustainable Economic Growth and it is complementary to the previous cooperation of the Institute for Development and International Relations with the Adris Foundation and Privredni vjesnik.
The aim of the book is to give a general overview of the opportunities and constrains of economic diplomacy and compare the way it is being implemented in three small countries which share a common past, but different transitional experiences.
The first part of the book presents the concept of economic and commercial diplomacy. What follows is an overview of the European economic diplomacy, or the context in which Croatian, Slovenian and Montenegrin economic diplomacy is being developed. The focus is on the economic diplomacy of the European Union. The following three chapters present the economic diplomacy of Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro. In these chapters, the needs of the economy on the national level are identified and it is analyzed to what extent the objectives and activities of economic diplomacy are aligned with these needs.
Based on the findings, the possibilities of enhancing national economic diplomacy and cooperation between different stakeholders at the national and regional level are outlined. In the conclusion, the starting assumption is being questioned – the cooperation of economic diplomacies of small countries could increase their efficiency.
Ordering: Alinea