Author of chapter: Hrvoje Butković
Editors: Claudia Hefftler, Christine Neuhold, Oliver Rozenberg and Julie Smith
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan UK
Year: 2015
ISBN 978-1-137-28912-4
The book is a result of work within the project “Observatory of Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty – OPAL” financed by the research councils of the United Kingdom (ESRC), France (ANR), Netherlands (NWO) and Germany (DFG). It analyses the legislative frameworks and practices which regulate European affairs in 28 parliaments of the EU member states. The chapter “The Croatian Parliament in the European Union: Ready, Steady, Go!” examines transformation of Croatian Parliament after accession to the EU. It analyses the efficiency of adopted mechanisms for scrutinizing the Government in the area of European affairs, the functioning of parliamentary administration, development of inter parliamentary cooperation as well as impact of the Lisbon Treaty provisions which enhanced the role of national parliaments within the EU’s political system.
More about book: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9781137289124