Puvlisher: London School of Economics, (LSEE Papers on South Eastern Europe; issue 3)
Year: 2011
The publication is based on the research study financed by the London School of Economics and John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation „Privatisation of Public Services Sector in Croatia and SEE: Assessment of Major Gains and Pains“ carried out by the IMO research team: Dr Nevenka Čučković (project leader), Dr. Krešimir Jurlin and Valentina Vučković. The aim of the research was to investigate, and where possible measure, the effects of policies of marketisation and privatisation of the telecommunication and the oil and gas industries in Croatia with respect to their business efficiency, management, employment levels, investment, service quality, diversity and prices. The paper questions whether the expected improvements in business performance actually occurred in the post-privatisation period and whether they improved consumer welfare. Both specialists and the wider public have opposing views about the changes which took place, and the paper therefore attempts to set out an analytical evaluation of the actual effects of the privatisation of these two public utilities in Croatia.
Publication: The privatisation of public utilities in Croatia: an assessment of the major gains and pains