Project duration: 06/2008 – 12/2008

Client: Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water management

Partners: Faculty of Economics, Split and Institute of Economics, Zagreb

The purpose of the project was to analyze the effectiveness, relevance, sustainability, efficiency and utility of existing national government interventions in the disadvantaged areas (Areas of Special State Concern – ASSC, Hilly and Mountainous Areas-HMA, and Islands)

Main project activities: an inventory of all central government interventions (support schemes, programmes, fiscal incentives etc.) covered by the Act on ASSC, the Act on HMA and the programme of support of the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Fund for Regional Development, Support to the town of Vukovar, and all other programmes operated by key Ministries (Ministry of Sea, Transport, Tourism and Development; Croatian Employment Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Science and Technology) which are specifically aimed at ASSC and/or HMA (result 1); an assessment of the cost to the overall national budget of the operation of the inventoried central government interventions as identified in result 1 (result 2); an evaluation (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and utility) of selected central government interventions (result 3); a new Government Programme for the Development of Disadvantaged Areas which takes into account the evaluation of central government interventions (result 4).

Type of services provided

    • Data collection and analysis
    • Participation in workshops (preparation of background materials and presentations)
    • Preparation of selected chapters of the study (evaluation of government interventions – result 3 and new government programme – result 4)
    • Presentation of the project results in workshops (4 workshops)
    • Participation in working group formed to incorporate the results of the project into draft of the National Strategy for Regional Development and Law on Regional Development
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