IRMO researcher Daniela Angelina Jelinčić from the Department of Culture and Communications published a chapter entitled “Stress for the Wellbeing Sectors: Paradox of Culture and Tourism in the COVID-19 times ” in the book Tourism Recovery from COVID-19: Prospects for Over- and Under-tourism Regions. The book was published by World Scientific, and contains 21 chapters by internationally acclaimed authors who present problems and solutions from different perspectives. The chapter presents data on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on culture and tourism, the sectors that were most affected by the crisis, while paradoxically, having an exceptional impact on well-being. A global analysis of public measures to support these sectors is provided along with innovative practices of changing the project content (changing the product), changing the market, or changing the way of consumption of cultural or tourist content. In conclusion, the chapter offers a vision of the future of cultural tourism.
The chapter is available at the following link: