The Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb, under Article 65 of its Statute and Article 40 of the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (Official Gazette nos. 123/03, 105/04, 174/04, 02/07, 46/07, 45/09, 63/11, 94/13, 139/13, 101/14, 60/15 and 131/2017), and with the authorisation of the Ministry of Science and Education, announces a


for the scientific position of Senior Research Associate in the scientific field of social sciences, area of political science, at the Department for European Integration – one researcher

A permanent employment contract will be signed.

Requirements: Candidates have to fulfil the requirements for the selection to the scientific status and research position of senior research associate prescribed by the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education. Candidates need to have experience in working on research and specialist projects in the research fields of the Department for European Integration, have excellent command of the English language, have experience in working on competitive research projects, and have published works in prestigious scientific publications.

In addition to a written application, candidates need to enclose:

  • letter of motivation,
  • CV (including valid e-mail address, general information, schooling history, acquired professional qualification and academic degree),
  • proof of acquired PhD degree,
  • proof of acquired scientific status of senior research associate in the required field of research,
  • proof of excellent proficiency in English (certificates, works published in English),
  • list of published research papers from the fields of research of the Department for European Integration,
  • personally signed list of worked on research projects from the fields of research of the Department (including the name of the project, the period of work on the project, and indication of the role as head or collaborator in the project).

Candidates may enclose other proof they deem relevant for their application (of participation in scientific research in other areas, command of other foreign languages, received awards or scholarships, etc.).

Persons of both sexes may apply under equal opportunities.

All requested documentation may be submitted in copy. The selected candidate will be required to present originals or certified copies before signing the work contract.

This job offer has been published in the National Gazette, a daily newspaper and the official web portals of  EURAXESS, the Institute and the Croatian Employment Service.

Applications must be received at the Institute no later than 30 days from the date of the announcement of the vacancy in the Official Gazette.

Applications are accepted in written form only, delivered in a sealed envelope to: Institute for Development and International Relations, Lj. F. Vukotinovića 2, P.O. Box 303, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, marked “Senior Research Associate Vacancy”.

Applications are submitted directly to the Registration Office of the Institute or by registered mail to the above address. Incomplete or belated applications will not be considered. Candidates will be informed about the selection results by the legal deadline via the Institute’s web page at

Institute for Development and International Relations

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