CIRR 79 published

CIRR 79 published

We are pleased to announce that the regular Summer/Fall 2017 issue (Vol. 23 No. 79) has been published. The full issue is available here, and the individual articles here. This issue includes 6 articles and 5 book reviews. Josip Glaurdić analyzes the relationship...
Tenth issue of IRMO Brief published

Tenth issue of IRMO Brief published

IRMO Brief no. 10/2017 deals with situation in Korean peninsula. For decades, North Korea has been developing its nuclear program and increasing the power and range of its missiles. Armed with nuclear weapons and in possession of an arsenal of missiles, it is now in a...
CIRR 79 published

CIRR Special Issue on China’s Belt and Road Initiative published

We are pleased to inform you that the Special Issue of Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) (Vol. 23 No. 78) on “China’s Belt and Road Initiative, its impact on international relations, and Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe’s” involvement into the...
Tenth issue of IRMO Brief published

Ninth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Ninth Issue of the IRMO Brief by Brenda Shaffer analyzes the situation in the Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh that has been under Armenian control ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union had been unfolding. All efforts of the international community...
Results of the 2016 Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM)

Results of the 2016 Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM)

The Assessing the Risk for Media Pluralism in EU and Beyond: Application of the Media Pluralism Monitor Tool (MPM 2016) project is funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), Robert Schuman Centre for...
Tenth issue of IRMO Brief published

Eighth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The eighth issue of IRMO Brief analyses the strategic landscape of the Adriatic region and presents its major challenges in the forthcoming period. A special focus is on the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region. Its fundamental four pillars and all areas...
Tenth issue of IRMO Brief published

Seventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

IRMO Brief’s seventh issue in 2017 deals with Catalonia’s independence referendum, scheduled for October 1st. As of yet, it is still not clear if the referendum will be held at all, given Madrid’s staunch opposition to what it sees as a serious breach of the Spanish...
CIRR 79 published

Croatian International Relations Review indexed in ESCI

Starting with the issue 77 (2017), Croatian International Relations Review, a scholarly journal which the Institute has been publishing since 1995, will be included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). ESCI is maintained by Clarivate Analytics (previously:...
IRMO and Rijeka d.o.o. signed Cooperation Agreement

IRMO and Rijeka d.o.o. signed Cooperation Agreement

IRMO and Rijeka d.o.o. have signed the Cooperation Agreement in the area of implementation of the European Capital of Culture project 2020. This Agreement includes cooperation in the development and transfer of theoretical, methodological and professional knowledge...
CULPOL Research Section

CULPOL Research Section

The CULPOL Commentary and CULPOL Issue Papers series, published within the framework of activities of the Jean Monnet Project EU Competences and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues (CULPOL), present selected articles that provide critical analysis on the...
Tenth issue of IRMO Brief published

IRMO Brief issue no. 6/2017 published

IRMO Brief Issue no. 6/2017 written by Krševan Antun Dujmović deals with the federal election which will be held in September in Germany. The current German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her party, the CDU, stand the best chance to win the election, according to the...
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