Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

Special issue on ‘European Union and Challenges of Cultural Policies: Critical Perspectives’ Vol. 24 No. 83 (2018) The Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) now accepts contributions for its special thematic issue with the provisional title ‘European Union...
National debate on the White Paper on the Future of Europe held

National debate on the White Paper on the Future of Europe held

Croatian delegation at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organized national debate about the „White Paper on the Future of Europe”, which was held on the 29th of May 2017 at the Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) in Zagreb. The event was opened by...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Relevance of IRMO Brief is mirrored also in contributions of prominent European officials. In the issue No.05/2017 Dr. Doris Pack gives a view on perspective of future EU enlargement. The issue of further enlargement is analysed in the context of the current EU...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Fourth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

IRMO Brief No 04/2017 highlights the importance of the “frozen conflicts” in the former Soviet space for the security environment in Europe. These conflicts have been generated by ethnic reasons, but have become an instrument to maintain the region into a political...
The RESTAURA Helpdesk website has been launched

The RESTAURA Helpdesk website has been launched

The RESTAURA Helpdesk website of the Interreg Central Europe project RESTAURA – ‘’Revitalising Historic Buildings through Public-Private Partnership Schemes’’ has been launched for those having queries on public-private partnership in heritage revitalization. The...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Third Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

IRMO Brief No. 3/2017 deals with the presidential elections which are to be held in Serbia in April. The incumbent Prime Minister and the candidate of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Aleksandar Vučić stands the best chance of winning the election, according...
Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

The Croatian International Relations Review now receives articles for its Winter 2017 issue. CIRR, published by the Institute for Development and International Relations since 1995, is a peer reviewed journal in the social sciences. It welcomes submissions from...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Second Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

IRMO Brief No 02/2017 deals with hybrid warfare and the way it is changing the dynamics and forms of conflict in the contemporary international environment. The issue analyses the way this phenomenon is used to keep assertive actions below the threshold of...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

First Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

IRMO Brief’s no. 1/2017 deals with the issue of sovereignist populism in the European Union, considering it as a specific reaction to the trend of competency transfer from national levels to the EU. The causes of populist parties’ recent electoral successes are...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Twelfth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The issue No. 12/2016 attempts to shed light on China’s long-term foreign policy goals in Asia by   explaining the key domestic driver behind its increasingly aggressive posturing in the South China Sea. It illustrates the link between the narratives of supremacy and...
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