Project duration: 11/2009 – 02/2010

Client: Institute for Public Finances (for European Parliament – Directorate-General for External Policies)

Author: Ana-Maria Boromisa, PhD

The goal of the project was to analyze the 2009 Annual Programme for Croatia and its coherence with EU strategic objectives and policy goals. It is based mainly on the Commission communication on the enlargement strategy for 2009. The briefing discusses challenges and actions under the political criteria, with specific attntion to human rights and minority issues, economic criteria and compliance with the acquis. The conclusion is that the projects planned under IPA 2009 are in line with the EU policy objectives as set within the enlargement package. The main challenges that could adversely affect the implementation of the programme are the economic crisis and the gap between the adoption and the implementation of the programme. It is recommended that further EU activity in Croatia should also target the Parliament and provide more help for economic reforms.

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