Authors: Nevenka Čučković and Valentina Vučković
Publisher: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
ISSN: 1846-3878
Nevenka Čučković (IRMO) and Valentina Vučković (EFZG) published an article: „EU R&D Funding as a Way of Incentivizing Innovation of SMEs: A Review of Impacts“ in journal Croatian Economic Survey, 20(2): 97-127 (December 2018) which is indexed in SCOPUS i Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
The paper is based on the research done by the authors for the Horizon 2020 project “Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union – I3U“.
The authors review the impacts of SMEs ‘ participation in EU R&D programs as a way of incentivizing their innovation activities. EU Innovation Union flagship initiative strives to ensure stronger involvement of SMEs in EU R&I programmes. The authors start the analysis by examining recent innovation performance of EU SMEs. After that, they turn to elaborating the theoretical and empirical foundations and rationale for increased public funding through the EU R&D programmes targeting SMEs. They especially focus on analyses of impacts of EU programmes FP7, CIP, Eurostars and Horizon 2020. They review the results of the recent empirical studies, which measure the direct and indirect impacts of EU funding on innovation of SMEs in EU member states. The available empirical evidence points to several positive effects of participating in EU R&D programmes on incentivizing innovation activities, productivity and overall business performance of SMEs.
The text is available in open access at the following link: https://doi.org/10.15179/ces.20.2.4