jednakost muškarca i žene

Editor: Siniša Rodin

Publisher: IRMO

Year: 2003

ISBN 953-6096-29-3

The book Equality of Man and Woman – Law and Policy in the EU and Croatia is the first systematic multidisciplinary effort in Croatia to highlight the development of the concept of gender equality and methods of its application in the EU and Croatia. Although most of the contributions discuss the legal aspects of gender equality, the political, social and other aspects related to this topic such as attaining gender equality through social policy measures, sexual harassement and gender mainstreaming, are also dealt with. By signing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) Croatia has committed itself to adjusting its legal system with EU standards in the area of social equality of men and women. Therefore, this publication gives information indispensable for a wide range of readers – from legislators and courts, non-governmental organisations dealing with the gender equality promotion, to academic community, students and all the others interested in the issue of gender equality in the EU as well as in.

This publication is available only in Croatian.

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