Authors: Hrvoje Butković, Višnja Samardžija, Jakša Puljiz, Ivana Rukavina
Publisher: Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO
Year: 2021
ISBN 978-953-6096-93-0
The Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO has published the bilingual (English and Croatian) book written by Hrvoje Butković, Višnja Samardžija, Jakša Puljiz and Ivana Rukavina entitled European Works Councils in Croatia: Experiences and Opportunities for further Development. This publication is result of research activities carried out in Croatia within project ‘Improving the quality and the level of representation of employees through organizational assimilation and the efficient use of the EWC instrument by parties interested in industrial relations (vs/2020/0040)ʼ. The goal of this project implemented since February 2020 is to improve and increase the quality of the employee representation process within multinational companies and the effective use of the EWC instrument by the actors of industrial relations. Publication is based on findings of the field research which involved delegates of the European Works Councils from Croatia. This is the first comprehensive research study of the European Works Councils in Croatia that we believe will contribute to a better understanding of their position and importance for industrial relations.
More about this project: https://irmo.hr/projects/improving-the-quality-and-the-level-of-representation-of-employees-through-organizational-assimilation-and-the-efficient-use-of-the-ewc-instrument-by-parties-interested-in-industrial-relations/
Book: European Works Councils in Croatia: Experiences and Opportunities for further Development