
Author: Ana-Maria Boromis

Editor: Dijana Šobota

Publishers: Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia

Year: 2023

ISBN (FES) 978-953-8376-04-7 (PDF)
ISBN (FES) 978-953-8376-05-4 (print)
ISBN (SSSH) 978-953-6176-55-7 (PDF)
ISBN (SSSH) 978-953-6176-56-4 (print)

The study was commissioned by the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Croatia and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and was based on scenario analysis which involved reviewing national strategic and policy documents. It highlights the potential impact of climate change on the labour market, workplaces, workers and social partners in Croatia, as well as the measures that could be taken to adapt to these changes.

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