We kindly invite you to join us at the forum “Economic development of Croatia under the influence of EU policies: lessons learned and open questions”, which will be held on October 29, 2024, starting at 10 a.m. at the Faculty of Economics in Split, Cvita Fiskovića 5, Split.

Since joining the European Union in 2013, the Republic of Croatia is facing numerous new development challenges, but also opportunities for faster and better economic growth. Among the important opportunities, the programs and instruments of the European Union stand out, providing financial support for the implementation of investments and better functioning of public policies. The Institute for Development and International Relations from Zagreb (IRMO) recently published the book “European integration in times of crisis: economic, political and social lessons from Croatia”, which analyses the impact of European Union policies on development in our country as well as the dynamics of post-accession Europeanization.

The purpose of the gathering is to present part of the research results conducted for the purpose of writing a prominent book and to stimulate discussion on the economic development of Croatia in the context of EU membership. The forum will discuss the challenges of turning the financial benefits of EU membership into long-term competitive advantages for the domestic economy. The mutual relations and features of various instruments of the European Union will also be considered, as well as open questions related to the negotiations regarding the new budget of the European Union after 2027 and the possible consequences for Croatia.

This is the third forum in the series of events under the common title “Together for a Better EU – Let’s Talk” organized by the European Documentation Centre of the Institute for Development and International Relations, the European Documentation Centre of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and the European Documentation Centre of the Faculty of Economics in Split. The events are organized with the financial support of the European Commission.

The expected language of the forum is Croatian, with no translation.

You are kindly invited to register your participation here.

PROGRAM (cro.)

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