24.05.2024. from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
European Commission Representation in Croatia, Augusta Cesarca 4-6, Zagreb
We invite you to the forum “How to proceed after the European elections”, which will be held in the premises of the European Commission Representation in Croatia on May 24th, 2024, starting at 9:30 a.m.
The debate within the forum will be organized in two panels: the first will consider the successes and achievements of the European Union in the past five-year period with special emphasis on Croatia. The second will be focused on the European election campaign itself and the challenges facing the EU in the coming period. The expected duration of each panel is about an hour, which includes time for questions from the audience.
This is the first forum in a series of events “Together for a better EU – let’s talk” which will be organized by the European Documentation Centre and the Department for European Integration of the Institute for Development and International Relations in cooperation with the European Documentation Centre of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and the European Documentation Centre of the Faculty of Economics in Split. The organization of these forums is financially supported by the European Commission.
The intended language of the forum is Croatian without translation provided.
Please confirm your arrival at this link: https://forms.gle/9MWTJTv2tPhe4Stu6