In order to present the results of the EU project ‘Access to Culture – Policy Analysis’ to Croatian audiences, the Department for Culture and Communication at IRMO organised a round table discussion ‘Perspectives of cultural policy development: access, cultural participation and new audiences’ that took place on 17th April 2015 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb. The project investigated the European and national dimensions of access to culture, analysing and comparing the implementation of the policies on access to culture in different countries, aiming to develop recommendations for raising awareness about these issues both at the national and at the European level. The focus of the round table was given on the key challenges and trends for access to culture in Croatia, while putting them in the broader European context.

After the initial presentation of the aims of the project, its’ timeline and of the project partners involved, the presentation of the results of the Croatian country report followed, which opened the floor for the elaboration of the preliminary results of the comparative report executed together with partners from Austria, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. The presentation of the research results prompted up lively discussion with over 40 cultural professionals and policy makers. The participants of the round table agreed on the need on the more explicit cultural (as well as other public) policies in the field of access to culture, and on better networking and cooperation (in)between cultural sectors on these issues.

The final project output in the form of the final report will be available from IRMO and other project partner websites upon its completion and final editing by the end of June 2015.

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