The panel Transnational solidarities in the Balkans: migration justice worldmaking sought to imagine and continue solidarity movement building with the migrants and refugees subjected to racial denigration, xenophobic refusals and rejection along the Balkan route and at the EU borders. The panel occurred on June 19th 2023 at ‘Roda’ in Zagreb as a hybrid event, and it included activists, researchers, and journalists from Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Participants discussed their research and involvement in the struggles against the deadly politics of the EU border and migration regimes.
This conversation critically interrogated personal and collective capacities and energies needed for solidarity movement building while rethinking the questions of ethics, politics, methods, aesthetics and impacts of solidarity movements and border abolition. The event was organized as part of the TraPoCo Jean Monnet Network by the Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, and Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO, and co-sponsored by AGITATE! Journal. The panel was also included to be part of the numerous events organized as a part of the Refugee Week in Croatia.