Project duration: 09/2020 – 07/2022
Client: European Commission, DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Project coordinator: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (UMCS) Lublin
Project partners:
- Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) Zagreb
- Central European Labor Studies Institute (CELSI) Bratislava
- Association of Electrical Engineering Industry of the Slovak Republic (ZEPSR) Bratislava
- University of Tartu (UT) Tartu
Leader of the IRMO team: Hrvoje Butković, PhD
The project aims to collect data and provide empirical insight into how trade unions, employers and other stakeholders address issues stemming from employment of non-EU workers. In order to gain sufficiently deep and comparable data, it will analyses 5 sectors: healthcare, metal industry, construction, services and digital economy (platform work) in 6 Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries: Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The project has following specific objectives: i) identify and analyze the challenges that social partners face in addressing and potentially improving the social rights of migrant workers; ii) analyze the role that industrial relations, processes and outcomes are playing in improving the working conditions of migrant workers; iii) provide insight in the experiences of trade unions regarding organizing and representing migrant workers; iv) analyze international networks that trade unions, employers and other stakeholders engage in within the process of recruiting migrant workers; v) map and evaluate the main legal frames and labor market characteristics related to working conditions of migrant workers; vi) draw implications for research and policy making for the national and the EU level sectoral stakeholders regarding the role of the social partners in revising the migration policy.
Web page of the project:
Film: Migrant workers in the EU require attention
YouTube: ON-LINE WEBINAR (in Croatian)
Executive Summary Comparative Report
Book: Foreign Workers in Croatia: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic and Social Development