Daniela Angelina Jelinčić, PhD, Senior Research Adviser and Marta Šveb, assistant from the Department for Culture and Communication published the article „Visual Stimuli Cues with Impact on Emotions in Cultural Tourism Experience Design“ in Acta turistica 33(1) journal . The journal is indexed in the SCOPUS, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and EconLit databases.
This review paper searches for connections among visual stimuli and emotions in the context of cultural tourism. Its purpose is to detect the role of the vision-related cues in (cultural) tourists’ emotional arousal which can further be applied in experience design. We focus on two mechanisms of emotion elicitation: psychological factors and artistic visual cues. First, theory of different affective states is analyzed and is put in the context of tourism. Artistic visual cues’ correlation with emotional arousal of cultural tourism consumers (color, form, symmetry, abstraction, complexity, etc.) are further examined. Special focus is on color through the review of different studies taking a transdisciplinary approach. The goal is to systematize the existing knowledge. Even though the research is inconclusive of clear relationships between visual stimuli cues and specific emotions, application of the generic findings, though, may provide greater understanding of the nature of emotion elicitation by visual cues and stimulate further research. Besides tourism, findings may be applicable in other fields.
The article is accessible in the OA at the following link: https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=377062