Eleventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Eleventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The issue No. 11/2016 by Krševan Antun Dujmović deals with the general election which was held in Montenegro on 16 October. In this small Balkan state which gained independence just ten years ago, the election day was marred by a tense atmosphere which reached its...
VACANCY for a systematized position of expert assistan – Closed

VACANCY for a systematized position of expert assistan – Closed

The Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb, under Article 40 of the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (Official Gazette nos. 123/03, 105/04, 174/04, 46/07, 63/11, 94/13, 139/13, 101/14 – OUSRH, 60/15 – OUSRH) and...
VACANCY for a systematized position of expert assistan – Closed

VACANCY for a systematized position of expert assistan – Closed

The Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb, under Article 40 of the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (Official Gazette nos. 123/03, 105/04, 174/04, 46/07, 63/11, 94/13, 139/13, 101/14 – OUSRH, 60/15 – OUSRH) and...
CULPOL project website has been launched

CULPOL project website has been launched

A new website of the Jean Monnet project ‘EU Competences and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues/CULPOL’ (culpol.irmo.hr) has been launched. The website includes all the information about the project background, partners, research activities and events. It...
Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

The Croatian International Relations Review now receives articles for its Summer 2017 issue. CIRR, published in English by the Institute for Development and International Relations since 1995, is a peer reviewed journal in the social sciences. It welcomes submissions...
Eleventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Tenth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The issue No. 10/2016 deals with geostrategic outlook of increasingly relevant Arctic region in the contemporary international environment. It analyses consequences of ice melting in the High North and potential implications for shipping opportunities and extraction...
Eleventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Ninth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The ninth issue of IRMO Brief deals with possible consequences of Brexit for the unity of the United Kingdom. At the June referendum on UK’s membership in the European Union two constituent countries – England and Wales – voted to leave, and two – Scotland and...
Eleventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Eighth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Eighth issue of IRMO Brief written by M.Sc. Krševan Antun Dujmović analyzes the differences between the two presidential candidates, the Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the Republican Donald John Trump ahead of the United States presidential election on 8...
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