Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

IRMO Brief’s fifth issue deals with Kurdish efforts to achieve statehood and independence in their autonomous region in the north of Iraq on the 100th anniversary of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which in 1916 divided the Middle East into several European interest zones....
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Fourth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The fourth issue of IRMO Brief written by Sandro Knezović, PhD, analyzes the challenges that accompany the return of the geopolitics to Southeast Europe. It deals with the combined effects of EU’s and NATO’s policies in the region, their inconsistencies and loopholes...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Thrid Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The thrid issue of IRMO Briefs analyzes the Challenges and opportunities for EU’s Energy Union strategy. After launching its Energy Union Strategy in February 2015, the European Union was faced in September 2015 with an unexpected challenge of combined German-Russian...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Second Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The second issue of IRMO Briefs analyzes the Croato-Polish Adriatic-Baltic-Black Sea Initiative comprising twelve Central and Eastern European countries. After a historical introduction and overview of earlier attempts to unite the geographical area between the three...
Correction of part of the VACANCY – Closed

Vacancies for the scientific positions – Closed

The Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Zagreb, under Articles 40, 41 and 42 of the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (Official Gazette nos. 123/03, 198/03, 105/04, 174/04, 2/07 – OUSRH, 46/07, 45/09, 63/11, 94/13, 139/13,...
Fifth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

First Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

The Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) in cooperation with Croatian office of Hanns Seidel Stiftung (HSSt) is publishing monthly a series of publications (policy briefs), dealing with different topics in the field of contemporary...
New C-News (Culturelink Newsletter)

New C-News (Culturelink Newsletter)

C-News (Culturelink Newsletter No. 102/November-December 2015) brings cultural news, opportunities and resources for international cultural community. It informs about current calls for international conferences, residencies, educational programmes and fellowships and...
AIDA Call for Visiting Research Fellowship Program

AIDA Call for Visiting Research Fellowship Program

Azerbaijan International Development Agency (AIDA) has announced the call for visiting research fellowship program, aimed at young scholars with a research interest focused on Caspian Sea region and Azerbaijan. The fellowship program shall take place within the...
“ClosEUp / Europa izbliza” – among five best in 2014

“ClosEUp / Europa izbliza” – among five best in 2014

Project “Film Festivals with Creative Documentaries about First Hand Experience from EU Funded Projects – ClosEUp / Europa izbliza” was included among five best projects in 2014 by the Croatian affiliation of the Project Management Institute (PMI). Every year...
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