Chapter titled „Slow Mobility“

Chapter titled „Slow Mobility“

Authors: Ana Žuvela i Dea Vidović Publication: Sensing Earth – Cultural Quests Across a Heated Globe Publishers: Valiz in collaboration with European Cultural Foundation Year: 2023 ISBN 978-94-93246-24-9  In an attempt to understand how the arts and the world’s...
Chapter titled „Slow Mobility“ has been published

Chapter titled „Slow Mobility“ has been published

Ana Žuvela, PhD,  from the Department of Culture and Communication, in co-authorship with Dea Vidović,PhD, has published a chapter titled „Slow Mobilty“ in the new Valize Antennae-Art Society Series book Sensing Earth – Cultural Quests Across a Heated Globe.  In...
Results of the Media Pluralism Monitor in 32 European Countries

Results of the Media Pluralism Monitor in 32 European Countries

Media Pluralism Monitor is a unique tool for assessing risks for media pluralism in EU member states and selected candidate countries. Since 2013, the European Commission has financed the project coordinated by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom of the...
Book “The Science and Art of Food Experience”,

Book “The Science and Art of Food Experience”,

Author: Daniele Angeline Jelinčić Publisher: Jesenski and Turk’ publishing house Year: 2023 ISBN 9978-953-381-011-9 Abstract The book, in addition to the introductory one, contains five main chapters with subchapters. In the Introduction, the goal and purpose of the...
CRESCINE project presented at the 76th Cannes Film Festival

CRESCINE project presented at the 76th Cannes Film Festival

The Department for Culture and Communication at the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) participates in a new three-year (2023-2026) international research project entitled ‘Increasing the international competitiveness of the film industry in...
The new Horizon Europe project CRESCINE has started

The new Horizon Europe project CRESCINE has started

IRMO is a partner in the consortium of 26 institutions that will jointly work on a three-year (2023-2026) project entitled ‘Increasing the international competitiveness of the film industry in small European markets’ (CRESCINE). This Horizon Europe scientific-research...
Interreg Central Europe: More than a Village

Interreg Central Europe: More than a Village

Project duration: 04/2023 – 03/2026 Client: ERDF, Interreg Central Europe Project coordinator: Lokalna Grupa Działania Stowarzyszenie “Południowa Warmia” Project partners: Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia Foundation...
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