Ex-ante evaluation of the Bioeconomy Strategy to 2035

Ex-ante evaluation of the Bioeconomy Strategy to 2035

Project duration: 06/12/2023 – 06/02/2024 Client: Ministry of Agriculture Project manager:  Sanja Tišma, PhD The process of ex-ante evaluation includes the assessment of the draft Bioeconomy Strategy by 2035 and proposals for improvements. Situation analysis, SWOT...
Scientific Article Published in MDPI Journal Sustainability

Scientific Article Published in MDPI Journal Sustainability

Ivana Keser, PhD, from the Department for Resource Economy, Environmental Protection and Regional Development, IRMO, published a scientific paper entitled “Interdependence and Complementarity of a Multi-Dimensional Concept of Sustainable Development and the...
Study of the impact of climate change on agriculture

Study of the impact of climate change on agriculture

Client: Geotechnical Faculty, University of Zagreb Financing: Co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development Project duration: 31/05/2022 – 31/07/2022 Project leader: Sanja Tišma, PhD The development of the “Study of the impact of climate change...
The 8th ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference – ENTRENOVA

The 8th ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference – ENTRENOVA

ENTRENOVA (ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference) is a multi-disciplinary conference dedicated to examining, comprehending and discussion the economic, management, organizational, marketing and other issues related to innovation, information technology, education,...
IRMO scientists at the 5th International Congress on Rural Tourism

IRMO scientists at the 5th International Congress on Rural Tourism

Scientists (Anamarija Pisarović. Ph.D., Sanja Tišma, Ph.D., Damir Demonja, Ph.D., Iva Tolić, B.Sc.) from the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Zagreb together with the associate (Andrea Solić, M.Sc.) from the partner institution will...
Support for public administration reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Support for public administration reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project duration: 10/2021. – 12/2021. Funding: Human Dynamics GmbH & Co KG Call: EuropeAid/138570/DH/SER/BA IRMO Project Coordinator: Sanja Tišma, PhD The project envisages the activity of conducting trainings for civil servants – especially for those...
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