Project duration: 6/2022-9/2022
Client: Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
Project leader: Sanja Tišma, PhD
The project will provide analytical support for the preparation of a support project for the implementation of priority activities planned under Priority Activity 8 of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region “Strengthening the competitiveness of entrepreneurship in the Danube Region”. Planned activities are focused on the analysis of strategic programs, plans, documents and databases relevant to strengthening entrepreneurship in the Danube region for the period 2023-2027 and the evaluation of the activities carried out and the results achieved in the previous project to support the implementation of PA 8 activities. Based on the findings of these analyses, the basis for new interventions of PA 08 in the area of the Danube region for the next program period will be prepared, and thematic recommendations will be made for coordinators, members of the Management committees and heads of working groups. The project also envisages expert support to the Ministry in creating a project proposal to support the implementation of PA 08-03, including work packages with nationally defined goals, activities and deliverables in the next three-year period.