Duration: 4/2016 – 4/2019

Client: European Commission, Horizon 2020

Coordinator: University of Cologne, Jean Monnet Chair for Political Sciences

IRMO Team Leader: Višnja Samardžija, PhD

Though IRMO is not member of the consortium, it does take part in the execution of certain activities of the HORIZON 2020 project The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios. The goal of the project is to elaborate the dynamics and scenarios of future relations between the EU and Turkey, taking into account their key drivers and impacts. IRMO is involved in the drafting of the „FEUTURE 28 Country Report“ which aims to give insight into the opinions of the political elites, the academic community, the media and citizens on a national basis regarding the past and future relations between EU member states and Turkey. In 2017, the „FEUTURE 28 Country Report“ was written by Višnja Samardžija and Senada Šelo Šabić and published on the project’s web page.

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