Project duration:06/10/2023 – 30/6/2024
Client: World bank
Project manager: Sanja Tišma, PhD
In 2022 the World Bank started to provide technical assistance to the Government of Croatia in reforming its system of public sector pay with the main aim of making the system more equitable, transparent, and internally consistent, assuring at the same time, fiscal sustainability. The implementation of activities under Phase II of its technical assistance includes support to the following broad tasks, focusing on tasks 2 and 3:
1. Finalization of a single job evaluation methodology for the public sector.
2. Job consolidation which includes reducing the number of job titles by consolidating them into a smaller number of job titles.
3. Job evaluation. The job evaluation methodology will be based on an analytical method, specifically a point factor rating and/or analytical job matching against benchmark jobs.
Specifically, the following activities will be implemented:
• Support developing adjusted job evaluation methodology, in close consultation with government counterparts;
• Implement the job evaluation in a collaborative manner, together with the Government counterparts and representatives from all sectors; The World Bank Job Evaluation team experts will deliver the workshops with the members of the civil service and public service job evaluation working groups with the aim of establishing a consistent application of the evaluation criteria and building institutional internal capacity for evaluation and ownership for results;
• Support developing a methodology for job matching;
• Contribute to creating a job catalogue, including the list of job titles and placement on the new pay structure.