Project duration: 15/3/2024 – 15/3/2025
Client: Croatian office of Hanns Seidel Stiftung
Team leader: Sandro Knezović, PhD
Complexity of the Common Security and Defense Policy (CFSP) of the EU is reflected in a very complicated toolbox at the disposal of the EU, mindful of the character of its decision-making, institutional set-up, fundamental documents and concepts, which makes operating with fundamental terminological apparatus of EU’s CSDP a rather difficult task. EU and member states’ officials, practitioners, members of academic and CSO community, as well as journalists and students find it very difficult to comprehend the terminological toolbox of EU’s CSDP. For that reason, the partners at this project jointly make an attempt to bridge that knowledge gap by providing a glossary of basic terms and concepts in this specific field. The initial focus would be on ten fundamental CSDP-related terms, that we deem very important for understanding the wider policy framework of CSDP. Here they are listed in alphabetical order, without prejudice to their comparative importance for the policy at stake:
1. CSDP Missions and Operations;
2. CSDP of the EU;
3. EU Global Strategy;
4. EU Institutions and Decision-Making in CSDP;
5. European Defense Fund;
6. European Peace Facility;
7. EU Strategic Autonomy;
8. EU Strategic Compass;
9. Fundamental CSDP Challenges;
10. Permanent Structured Co-operation (PESCO).
Every issue will contain basic information on development of the phenomena in focus, its current relevance for the concept of CSDP, potential pitfalls and challenges for the future. The text would be written in both Croatian and English language, with one version starting from one side and the other from another side of the publication. It will have maximum 1000 words per language and be written in a non-academic, understandable way for wider audience. It will not contain footnotes, endnotes or appendixes. Each publication will be illustrative and logically related to the others, which altogether creates a widely readable and understandable series on fundamental phenomena related to the CSDP of the EU – a CSDP glossary.
After the finalization and printing of all ten publications, the project will end with the public presentation of the publications in co-operation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation and Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia.