The creative city: crossing visions and new realities in the region

The creative city: crossing visions and new realities in the region

Editor: Nada Švob-Đokić. Publisher: IRMO Year: 2007 ISBN 978-953-6096-42-8 The book is a collection of papers from the course on “Cultural Transitions in Southeastern Europe. The Creative City: Crossing Visions and New Realities in the Region” held at...
Natural Zeolite Tuff from Croatia in Environmental Protection

Natural Zeolite Tuff from Croatia in Environmental Protection

Editors: Tugomir Filipan, Sanja Tišma and Anamaria Farkaš Publisher: IRMO Year: 2007 ISBN 978-953-6096-38-1 This publication is available only in Croatian. The book Natural Zeolite Tuff from Croatia in Environmental Protection, edited by Tugomir Filipan, Sanja Tišma...
Dynamics of communication: new ways and new actors

Dynamics of communication: new ways and new actors

Editor: Biserka Cvjetičanin Publisher: IRMO Year: 2006 ISBN 978-953-6096-39-8 The First World Culturelink Conference was held in the 1995 and the Second one followed in 2005. The decade between these gatherings of world-wide experts on intercultural communication and...

Author: Ana Maria Boromisa Publisher: CEPOR Year: 2005 ISBN 953-99154-6-5 The report reviews the primary legislation in Croatia and its alignement with the requirements of the energy-specific requirements of the EU- primarily the Directive 2003/54/EC (for electricity)...
Enterprise policy performance assessment Croatia

Enterprise policy performance assessment Croatia

Authors: Nevenka Čučković, Will Bartlett, Predrag Bejaković and Krešimir Jurlin Publisher: OECD Year: 2005 ISBN 1681-5378 The text provides an assessment of the enterprise policy in Croatia with particular focus on SME sector. The analyses cover seven policy...
Support to promotion of reciprocal understanding of relations and dialogue between the European Union and the Western Balkans: National Report on Internal market under The Specific Grant Agreement RELEX 1-2 190202 REG 4-14

Support to promotion of reciprocal understanding of relations and dialogue between the European Union and the Western Balkans: National Report on Internal market under The Specific Grant Agreement RELEX 1-2 190202 REG 4-14

Authors: Višnja Samardžija and Zrinka Živković Publisher: Centar za politiku razvoja malih poduzeća Year: 2005 ISBN 953-99154-5-7 The research paper on Croatia’ s progress in developing institutional and legislative capacity in line with EU requirements in...
Cultural Transitions in Southeastern Europe

Cultural Transitions in Southeastern Europe

Editor: Nada Švob-Đokić Publisher: IRMO Year: 2005 ISBN 953-6096-35-8 The book is a collection of papers that resulted from the postgraduate course ‘Managing Cultural Transitions: Southeastern Europe’ organized by the Department for Culture and...
The emerging creative industries in Southeastern Europe

The emerging creative industries in Southeastern Europe

Editor: Nada Švob-Đokić Publisher: IRMO Year: 2005 ISBN 953-6096-37-4 The book is a collection of papers that resulted from the postgraduate course ‘Managing Cultural Transitions: Southeastern Europe – The Impact of Creative Industries’ organized by...
Equality of Man and Woman – Law and Policy in the EU and Croatia

Equality of Man and Woman – Law and Policy in the EU and Croatia

Editor: Siniša Rodin Publisher: IRMO Year: 2003 ISBN 953-6096-29-3 The book Equality of Man and Woman – Law and Policy in the EU and Croatia is the first systematic multidisciplinary effort in Croatia to highlight the development of the concept of gender equality and...
Croatia in the 21st Century: Strategy of Cultural Development

Croatia in the 21st Century: Strategy of Cultural Development

Autori: Nada Švob-Đokić, Jaka Primorac i Krešimir Jurlin Izdavači: Naklada Jesenski i Turk i Hrvatsko sociološko društvo Godina: 2008. ISBN 978-953-222-284-5 Croatia’s declaration of independence in the early 1990s was followed by a war in which those active in the...
Guide to the Culturelink Network

Guide to the Culturelink Network

Editor: Daniela Angelina Jelinčić Publisher: IRMO Year: 2002 ISBN 953-6096-24-2 The Guide to the Culturelink Network is to provide our members and partners, as well as all other cultural professionals, with more efficient ways of cooperation. It contains up-to-date...
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