Department for Culture and Communication

Department for Culture and Communication is engaged in interdisciplinary scientific research in the field of cultural development, cultural and media policies, international cultural cooperation and communication. Primary research areas include cultural diversity, intercultural communication, digital culture and networks, creative industries and cultural tourism, cultural changes (cultural integration and disintegration), and the process of globalisation and transition. Mediatisation of culture, the character of the media environment, the dynamic development of media and their social and civilization functions are also the focus of the research of the Department. The Department coordinates the worldwide Culturelink network. For more information about the Department please click here.
Aleksandra Uzelac, PhD, head
Daniela Angelina Jelinčić, PhD
Jaka Primorac, PhD
Paško Bilić, PhD
Ana Žuvela, PhD
Barbara Lovrinić
Sunčana Franić
Marta Šveb Dragija
Lucija Gegić, mag. soc. et mag. educ. philol. croat.
Danijela Hrman