Zagreb, Hotel Dubrovnik, Gajeva 1

Friday, 20th November 2015 at 9:30am

The Institute for Development and International Relations in Zagreb and Zagreb Office of the Hanns Seidel Foundation have launched the project “Future Foreign Policy Challenges of the EU – Institutions, Geostrategy and Economy”.  The project includes a series of roundtables with the aim to contribute to the existing debate about challenges of the aforementioned topic and to policy-making processes in that specific field on national (Croatian) and European level. The aim of the roundtables is to substantially contribute to the debate about wider concept of European Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).

At the round table that will be held on 20th November 2015 in the Hotel Dubrovnik, named “Future Foreign Policy Challenges of the EU – Economy”, the representatives of the academia, state administration, non-governmental sector, international organisations, diplomatic community and media will have a debate about the economic aspect of the EU’s foreign policy challenges in the forthcoming period.

The working language of the round table will be English.

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