Zagreb, Hotel Dubrovnik, “Ban Jelačić” Conference Room
Tuesday, 17 June 2014 from 10 to 13 hrs
The Institute for Development and International Relations and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung invite you to a round table discussion “Bosnia and Herzegovina: a way out of crisis”.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia’s important neighbour, is experiencing a prolonged internal crisis. There is a widely-shared perception that the country is dysfunctional and that it has to be reformed. The question, however, is in which direction reforms will take place? Who will carry them out? Can Bosnia and Herzegovina become a stable, functional, democratic and relatively prosperous state? Is this what its citizens want and would support? Are the civic protests we saw in February in Bosnia and Herzegovina just a sporadic and short-lived outburst of discontent with little potential to change the political matrix of Bosnia and Herzegovina? Or are they not just a demonstration of accumulated frustration but perhaps the first wave of a sea-change that we will witness in the (near) future? As Croatia shares a 1000 km long border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the Croats make up one of the three constituent peoples and given that Croats are the signatories of two recent arrangements, Croatia is watching the process in its neighbourhood with keen interest.
This half-day round table discussion will address the above issues and open new ones. With participants from the civil sector, academia, political parties, diplomatic corps and the media, the discussion promises to be vibrant. Participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina will have an opportunity to share with the audience first-hand experience and local views which we do not frequently encounter in Croatia.
Please confirm your participation to: 01/48 079 70 or until 13.06.2014.
Please note that simultaneous translation from both Croatian and English will be provided.