On June 15 and 16, IRMO hosted a meeting of partners gathered under the project ENDURE – Inequalities, Community Resilience and New Governance Modalities in a Post-Pandemic World. The project centers governance responses to the Covid-19 pandemic and the effects of demobilization of economic activity, politics and society (lockdowns), as well as the emergence of the new forms of mobilization, with widely varying ideological framings, emerged against the backdrop of global pandemic control and state-regulated lockdowns. The annual meeting discussion focused on research progress and comparative analysis occurring in Brazil, Germany, Colombia, UK, Canada, Finland, US, Croatia, Poland, Romania, and Turkey. Research utilizes methodologies drawing on historical, sociological, political science, media studies and cultural research to examine how state-led (de)mobilization impacts on the drivers of inequality, in order to assess the prospects for greater post-pandemic equity. This project is funded by the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) Recovery, Renewal And Resilience Call by the following public funding organizations: DFG (Germany), FAPESP (Brazil), AKA (Finland), HRZZ (Croatia), MINCIENCIAS (Colombia), NCN (Poland), NSF (USA), SSHRC (Canada) and UKRI-ESRC (UK).