The Institute for Development and International Relations – IRMO has published a Guide for Workers to European Works Councils. The publication (in Croatian) is authored, by Hrvoje Butković, Višnja Samardžija and Ivana Rukavina. It is a result of research activities carried out in Croatia as part of the project “Improving the quality and level of employee representation through organizational adjustments and effective use of the European Works Councils (EWCs) by industrial relations actors” (reference number vs / 2020/0040).
The primary goal of this guide is to educate employees of multinational companies about EWCs and the possibilities for their eventual establishment. The first chapter discusses the wider significance of European Works Councils by analysing their basic characteristics and functional aspects. The second chapter is devoted to the legal foundations on which the work of EWCs is based. Finally, the third chapter presents the most important findings of the field research conducted in Croatia.
More about this project:
Guide (in Croatian): Guide for workers to European Works Councils (Vodič za radnike o europskim radničkim vijećima)