Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) The Croatian International Relations Review now receives articles for its Winter 2016 issue. CIRR, published by the Institute for Development and International Relations since 1995, is a peer reviewed...
Call for papers Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)

CIRR 75 Special issue has been published

CIRR 75 Special issue on the subject of Maritime Security has been published! You can access the full issue here, or you can find individual articles on our  Hrčak and DeGruyter pages. The issue brings three scholarly articles on the subject of Maritime security....
IRMO partner on new cross-border project ForestFlow

IRMO partner on new cross-border project ForestFlow

In Vinkovci, on the 29th of July an agreement on a grant has been signed for the action “ForestFlow”. It is implemented under the IPA cross-border cooperation program Croatia – Serbia 2007th to 2013th. Lead partner is Hrvatske šume. Next to IRMO, project partners are...
Seventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Seventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Seventh issue of IRMO Brief written by Marina Funduk, PhD, analyzes the challenges in facing climate change at the global level. It focuses on climate change agreements, from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol to Paris Agreement....
Seventh Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

Sixth Issue of the IRMO Brief Published

IRMO Brief’s sixth issue of the author M.Sc. Krševan Antun Dujmović deals with Iran after the removal of international sanctions in January 2016 and impacts on golobal energy markets. In the brief the author argues the re-emergence of Iran on the oil and gas markets...
Announcement of the results of a VACANCY for the positions of Assistant – Closed

VACANCY for the positions of Junior Research Assistant – CLOSE

The Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb, under Article 43 of the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (Official Gazette nos. 123/03, 105/04, 174/04, 02/07 – USRH, 46/07, 45/09, 63/11, 94/13, 139/13, 101/14 – USRH) and Article 37 of...
Two new projects on climate change

Two new projects on climate change

Climate change in the nature parks of the Republic of Croatian: management and development options “Parkadapt1”​ Climate change in the nature parks of the Republic of Croatian: management and development options “Parkadapt2”​
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