CULPOL project: kick-off meeting and first stakeholders group meeting

CULPOL project: kick-off meeting and first stakeholders group meeting

Zagreb: IRMO Library and Gallery Klovićevi dvori 8 – 9th of December 2016; The Jean Monnet project ‘EU Competencies and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues’ (CULPOL) project aims to contribute to the establishment of closer cooperation and networking among...
CULPOL project website has been launched

CULPOL project website has been launched

A new website of the Jean Monnet project ‘EU Competences and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues/CULPOL’ ( has been launched. The website includes all the information about the project background, partners, research activities and events. It...
Nina Obuljen Koržinek participates in the European Culture Forum

Nina Obuljen Koržinek participates in the European Culture Forum

Brussel April, 19-20, 2016 Nina Obuljen Koržinek will participate as one of the speakers in the European Culture Forum taking place in Brussels April, 19-20. The European Culture Forum is a biennial event organised by the European Commission, aimed at raising the...
Kultura u doba mreža (Culture in the Age of Networks)

Kultura u doba mreža (Culture in the Age of Networks)

Author: Biserka Cvjetičanin Publisher: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada Godina: 2014. – 576 pp. ISBN 978-953-169-297-7 SUMMARY Globalization processes have intensified the transnational exchange of cultural goods and services, migrations, and people mobility. The...
Access to Culture – Policy Analysis

Access to Culture – Policy Analysis

Project duration: 5/2013 – 4/2015 Origin of funding: European Commission, Programme Culture 2007-2013 Project coordinator: EDUCULT, Austria Project partners: Interarts (Spain), the Nordic Centre for Heritage Learning and Creativity AB (Sweden), Telemark Research...
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